Monday 30 May 2016


The Senate on Thursday, May 26, 2016 achieved a major milestone in pursuant of its set goals by passing into law one of the Chamber’s priority Bills “The Banking and Insolvency Act CAP B2 LFN 2011 (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill, 2016, (S.B. 09), Standing in the name of Sen. Rafiu Adebayo Ibrahim (Kwara South).

The passage of the Bill was sequel to the presentation of its Report by the Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance and other Financial Institutions by the Chairman, Sen. Ibrahim before the Hallowed Chamber for consideration and passage into law. Consequently, the Chamber resolved into the Committee of the Whole for clauses by clause consideration. In fact more than 200 clauses of the legislation were considered and approved by distinguished Senators.

Thereafter, the Senate President, Bukola Saraki rendered progress report on what transpired at the Committee of the Whole and ultimately put the Bill’s third reading question before the Red Chamber. Distinguished Senators answered in the affirmative and the Bill was read the third time and passed.

Similarly, the Upper Legislative Chamber has aligned and associated itself with the Nigerian Children in particular and Children world-over in general in this year’s National Children’s Day Celebration billed for Friday, 27th May, 2016. As a mark of honour, the Senate has debated and passed a Motion titled “2016 Children’s Day Celebration” with the Theme: Stop Violence Against Children.
The Motion was sponsored by the Chairman and entire eight Members of the Senate Committee on Women Affairs led by Sen. Oluremi Tinubu. Leading the debate, Sen. Tinubu recognized the significant role of the Nigerian Child in the nation’s development and the need to lay a good foundation for them and secure their future. 

The Senate appreciated and congratulated the Nigerian Children as well as lent credence to the passage of the Child’s Right Act, 2003 currently domesticated by 23 States and FCT and the Universal Basic Education Act, 2004 which makes the education of the Nigerian Child compulsory and enforceable rights. The Motion sailed through with the following Resolutions below:
a) Congratulate the Nigerian Children on the Celebration of the 2016 Children’s Day.
b) Mandate the Senate Committee on Women Affairs to: I) further look into the implementation and enforcement of the Child’s Rights Act in States that are yet to do so. Ii)  Ensure the implementation of the integrated Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (IMNCH) under the Federal Ministry of Health. Iii) Ensure compliance with the National Strategic Plan of Action on Nutrition (NSPAN, 2014 – 2019), as presented on the 8th of September, 2015 by the Federal Ministry of Health and make recommendations to the Senate.
c) Urge the Federal Government not to relent in its effort to bring back home all abducted and missing Children safely.
d) Mandate the Senate Joint Committee on Women Affairs and Primary Healthcare to visit IDP Camps and look into the health and welfare of the women and children and recommend appropriately to the Senate.
e) Commend the initiative of the NYSC that Medical Doctors and other Health professionals be deployed to serve in IDP Camps around the country.
f) Urge the Federal Government to intensify advocacy to stop violence against children through National Orientation Agency (NOA).
g) Call on the Nigeria Police Force to fully investigate and prosecute those found guilty of maltreating a child in Kano, Musa Murtala whose two legs were broken and also injured in his private part by his two step Mothers.  



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