Monday 7 November 2016

House of Reps. Considers Bill to Support Local Experts involvement in Renewable Energy

By Lizzy Chirkpi
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The House of Representatives is considering amendment of a bill in the Energy Commission of Nigeria Act, Cap. E 10 LFN, 2004 to grant priority to the promotion of renewable energy in Nigeria.

The bill seeks to amend section 5, 8 and 9 of the Energy Commission Act.

Another proposal for amendment of the Act is the exemption from Custom duties and levies such equipment and machinery necessary for the sources renewable energy.

The bill passed second reading on the floor of the green chamber on Thursday, 3 November 2016 and when passed it will promote tramp and support for local experts in the field of renewable energy.

According to Rep. Mohammed Usman representing Makarfi/Kudan federal constituency of Kaduna state who presented the bill, he said it will promote manufacturing of local components to facilitate the rapid growth of solar energy.

Speaking further, Usman said the amendment will enable the commission take the lead in the promotion and coordination of strategy development around renewable energy sources as an imperative in meeting the energy challenges in Nigeria.

"The amendment is the first practical step in setting targets for solar and other alternative energy sources for diversification of the economy. It will force investors in electricity generation and distribution to consider renewable energy to reduce dependency on fossil fuel", Rep. Usman maintained.

While speaking in favor of the motion Rep. Iboro Ekanem representing Ikono/Ini federal constuency of Akwa Ibom state said the amendment is the latest as far as energy is concern.

"We need to diversify into the area of renewable energy which is capable of generating electricity and which will create job for our young teeming youths", Ekanem submitted.

The Rep. from the state of 'Uncommon Transformation' said it is high time tertiary institution  introduced renewable energy as a course in electrical departments.

Rep. Ekanem said there is nothing wrong with Nigeria generating its electricity through wind as it is currently practiced in Katsina state.

The Deputy Speaker, Yusuf Lasuf who also spoke in favor of the bill said the proposal is awesome but he feels Nigeria is not yet mature to begin consideration of renewable energy that it is too an advanced technology.



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