Thursday 1 December 2016

Diversification: Reps call for urgent for large scale production of palm oil

By Lizzy Chirkpi...
 Image result for hon emmanuel akpan
The House of Representatives called on the Federal Government and states of palm oil producing zones to take necessary measures to encourage large scale production of Palm oil for export to earn foreign exchange.

This  motion was moved by Rep.Emmanuel Akpan(PDP- Akwa-Ibom), which was unanimously adopted by members through a voice vote.

Akpan, who led debate on the motion noted that before the discovery of oil, Palm oil production was one of the major sources of revenue in the country.

He added that palm oil production is accounted for more than  per cent of the total revenues generated by the country.

Akpan said that to ensure large scale production of Palm oil, there was the need for the Federal Government
to provide incentives for private investors to establish oil palm plantations.

Other lawmakers while lending their support to the motion
stressed the need for all hands to be on deck in diversifying the nation's economy for a better tomorrow.

Rep. Abubakar Kannike said there is need for the federal government to swing into action rather than paying lip service to diversification through agriculture.

"The Ministry of Agriculture must liaise with states to provide land and ensure clearing. We must go beyond lip service to create successors of farmers"

"The government must develop an agricultural framework for all the geo-political zones and test the programmes to be sure they will work", Kannike suggested.

The house therefore, referred the motion to the House Committees on Agricultural
Production and Services, and Commerce to ensure implementation and report back to the House within eight weeks for further legislative action.



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