Wednesday 8 March 2017

Reps wade into Auchi Polytechnics strike

By Lizzy Chirkpi
Image result for hon johnson oghuma
 The House of Representatives, moves to resolve Academic Staff Union Polytechnics (ASUP), Auchi Polytechnic Chapter and the entire staff of the Federal Polytechnic on incessant labour dispute which has led to  strike action.

This was sequel to a motion by Rep. Johnson Oghuma (Edo-APC) which was unanimously adopted by members through a voice vote.

Moving the motion, Oghuma explained that for some time now, there had been concerns at the Federal Polytechnic, Auchi over matters of promotions, welfare, payment of pensions, salaries and wages.

The lawmaker noted that the concerns had led to disruptions in the academics pursuits and several closures of the school due to strike actions by the local chapter of the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics.

Oghuma expressed worry that the situation was bringing untold hardships on the students who would have to either stay back in the school without receiving lectures.

"The students also risk their lives traveling back to their homes only to be called back shortly and then to be asked again to return home as a result of another strike action."

He further expressed concern that on Feb. 15, 2017, the entire staff of the polytechnic embarked on another indefinite strike action and determined not to allow the ugly trend to continue any longer in the polytechnic.

In his contribution, Rep. Johnson Agbonayinma (Edo-PDP) said that something needed to be done to ensure the reopening of the school, adding that the school graduates had been contributing to the development of the country.

Also contributing, Rep. Sani Abdu (Bauchi-APC), said that restructuring was needed in the school and other polytechnics across the country.

"We need to restructure the schools and do what has be done in Germany and Britain by having a Policy Trust.

"If we restructure our own, we will keep them at lower cost" he said.

Rep. Pally Iriase, Deputy Whip of the House, in his contribution, said that Auchi Polytechnic was in a strategic location and any protest perpetrated by students could cause traffic to travellers both in the South-South and the South-East.

He added that it was a national issue which needed to be given the treatment it deserved.

The house therefore, mandated its committee on Tertiary Education and Services and Labour to invite Principal Officers of the Academic Staff Union of Federal Polytechnic, Auchi for discussion.

Also invited for discussion are Management Staff of Federal Polytechnic  Auchi, Student Union Leadership of the School and the relevant Departments of the Federal Ministry of Education.

The discussion would ascertain the causes of the incessant disputes in the Polytechnic, recommend lasting solutions and report back for further legislative action



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