Friday 20 January 2017


By Sunny Anderson Osiebe...


It is extremely likely that Senator Dino Melaye was from birth, a man of action on account of his action filled life. Born in kano State Nigeria but hails from Kogi State in North Central Nigeria.

He started schooling at Ijeoma Memorial primary school in Kano and later proceeded to Abdul-Aziz memorial college, Okenne where he completed his secondary education. For his tertiary education, he gained admission into Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria to pursue a course in Geography and subsequently earned a Bachelor of Science in Geography. Not one to rest on his oars, he obtained a Master’s science degree in Policy Analysis from the University of Abuja and a second master’s degree from the highly revered London School of Economics and Political ScienceNot done, he is currently simultaneously combining his legislation duties and doctorate degree. Before politics, he has often maintained that education must be used for social engineering and it is not surprising that his voice in the defence of citizen’s right has remained loud and insistence. Severally, he has broken ranks with his political party on principles and remains steadfast as a dutiful and loyal party man.

He is an exemplary leader with the milk of human kindness flowing in his veins. He has in, out and back in partisan politics has the people as his greatest resource. For him, what is the essence of politics, if it is not impactful? These attributes elucidate the Senator’s political, social, and his commitment to the less privileged. As a human activist and public analyst, he is a promoter of good governance and believes all destinies can be fulfilled if individuals are dedicated to the pursuit of their personal and collective goals when requisite support is provided.    

Leadership would remain a recurring decimal in his life. Quite early in life, he was saddled with the post of head boy of his primary school and was equally saddled with same post in secondary school. By the time of his undergraduate studies in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, it was not surprising that he was elected as the Student Union President.
Public Service

Some wander about in life for their mission, but early in life, Senator Melaye was like a fish taken to water, took to crusading for the common good of all and it is no wonder that politics was his berthing point. He was elected into the 6th Session of the National Assembly as a member of the Lower House. He busted into the national limelight when he resisted attempt by a section of the House to hijack power by ousting the then Speaker, Madam Etteh. He resisted by pointing to generality of the Public that she was a victim of high hired politics. Nigerian didn’t believe that they were hoodwinked but his voice, like the biblical John the Baptist, crying in the wilderness was loud and clear that a coup was in the offing. He was unrelenting in resisting and even after the ouster of Madam Etteh as Speaker; he was subsequently suspended in a move to silence his criticisms.   
While in the lower house, Dino Melaye was committee chairman House committee on Information and National Orientation. 
 Senator Dino Melaye has established pro development organizations in which he is the Founder and President of National Association of Democratic Youths, (NADY) as well as Founder and Executive Secretary of Anti-Corruption Network. 

He's been incarcerated severally by both Military and Civilian Government. He was arrested 14 times in 2014 for championing Democratic struggle, protesting corruption in governance, and for championing the Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) struggle.

 It was also remembered that Senator Dino Melaye started the Occupy Nigeria protest on the 2nd of January 2012, when Government announced the removal of fuel subsidy. That struggle landed him in the same detention camp with Boko Haram suspects.

Dino Melaye was elected in April 2015 as Senator representing Kogi West Federal Constituency and inaugurated as a member of the Senate on June 9, 2015 as a Senator; Dino Melaye served as ad hoc Chairman Senate committee on Media and Publicity where he directed the efficient screening process for ministerial nominees which made the exercise more thorough. Senator Dino Melaye is currently the Chairman Senate committee on the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).


As a result of his immense leadership role and achievements, Senator Dino Melaye has being conferred with a number of traditional titles which include - Otunba of Bunu Kingdom, Aragundade of Ogaji Amuro, Olugbayi of Gbede, Gberuro of Ogidi, Ariwajoye of Ekinrin Adde, Asiwaju of Oke-Offin, Olugbeye of Aiyetoro-Gbede, Oluamofin of Okaro-Gbede, Alutushe of Oke-bukun and Bologunwe of Obajana. 

Senator Dino Melaye’s personality and achievements have resulted in the receipt of numerous national and international awards, which include: 

        Gold Medal Award by Ayetoro Gbede student’s Union, 2002
        African Parliamentarian of the year by Abuja Merit Awards 2005
        Best National Assembly member by National Association of Kogi State Students, 2008
        Parliamentarian of the year for 2008 by International Parliamentary watch, USA, 2009
        Excellence Gold Award Year by news Africa 2010
        Magnificent Award 2012 by Students representative Council, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba, Lagos. 
        Diplomatic member of the year 2008 by St. Monica’s college kabba, Kogi Year 
        Most performed National legislator Year by Vision 2020 Youth Group Year 
        Icon of good leadership Year  by Kogi people’s forum
        Youth Libra Award by the Visioners Club, Kogi State Year
        Protector of the Youth by PDP National Youth Vanguard Year
        Best Honourable Member of the year Year by Global Youth Awareness and Development Initiative
        Excellence Award Year by AGSU Year

The constituency and community development projects completed by Dino Melaye while serving in the capacity of House of Representative for Kabba/Bunu/Ijumu Federal Constituency include educational and related projects, health projects, community based projects such as boreholes, palace renovation, grading of roads, health supplies and personal cash and kind donations. 

The educational projects for kabba/Bunu Local Government Area include the supply of school furniture to the following schools – St. Andrews Primary School, Kabba, St. Andrews Primary School, Egbeda, Kabba as well as the building of classrooms in Ayetero Kiri. To date in the Kabba/Bunu Local Government Area many undergraduate students have benefited from scholarship schemes under Dino Melaye’s empowerment scheme that spanned over a decade. 

He also installed manual – hand pump boreholes in numerous communities including Okebukun, Iluke, Ayegunle Igunand, Ayeh,Oke Offin, Ayetoro Tari, Ode Ape in kabba/Bunu Local Government area in Kogi State. His community based projects in Kabba/Bunu also included the renovation of Olu of Oke Bukun and Oba of Oke-Offin’s palaces. Also included in the community projects was the grading of the Ayegunle Gbede/Olle road and health supplies including supply of drugs to six communities in Bunu, Hospital equipment to Ekiri Adde, drugsto Ekinrin Adde Hospital worth Millions of Naira. Dino Melaye also set up widow empowerment scheme for women in Kabba/Bunu LGA in addition to the donation of tens of vehicles and hundreds of motor cycles to individuals and groups. He also made huge donations to various churches in Kabba/Bunu to reinforce socioeconomic development. 

The educational projects for Ijumu Local Government Area include the supply of school furniture in the following schools – Ogale Ijumu Primary School, Ijumu, Ekinrin Adde Primary School, Ijumu and Baptist Primary School Ayetoro Gbede, Ijumu. He also built classrooms in Ayetoro-Kiri Primary School, Ijumu. The educational projects in Ijumu include donation of computers to GGSS Ayetoro Gbede and CHS Baptist High School Iyah-Gbede, Ijumu. To date in the Ijumu Local Government Area many undergraduate students have benefited from scholarship schemes under Dino Melaye’s empowerment scheme that spanned over a decade.
Numerous manual boreholes where installed across communities in Ijumu including – Olujumu’s palace, Iyamoye, Iluagba, Aduge, Ogidi, Iluafon Ayegunle, Iluafon Ayetoro, Igbopin among others all in Ijumu Local Government Area of Kogi State. His community based projects in Ijumu also included the supply of hospital furniture and equipment to Ekinrin-Adde hospital. Dino Melaye also set up widow empowerment scheme for women in Ijumu LGA in addition to the donation of tens of vehicles and hundreds of motor cycles to individuals and groups. He also made huge donations to various churches in Kabba/Bunu to reinforce socioeconomic development.

Senator Dino Melaye was elected to represent Kabba/Bunu/Ijimu Federal Constituency. During his representation of the Kabb/Bunu/Ijimu Federal Constituency, Dino Melaye sponsored notable motions on the floor of the lower house which include motions: 

        On the deplorable state of Education in Nigeria
        For Nigerian Communication Commission and Telecommunication Regulation 
        On the need for Public & Political Office Holders to curb oversea medical treatment
        For the removal of speed bumps on Abuja highways
        On the overpriced N65B runway project 
        For the non-payment of NITEL workers salary arrears 
        For the Ministry of Agriculture failure to disburse N200B loan 
        On NECO’s exploitation of unemployed Nigerians
        Partial and non-implementation of 2008 and 2009 MDG quick win project 
        On the sale of Federal Government properties in the U.S.
        On the auction of 1, 000 tractors and accessories procured for over N65B
        On the dualization of Airport and Kubwa road at N275B
        On Delta steel which led to the revocation of the sale of GHIL
        For the miscarriage of justice over the N27B pension scam 
        For the N25B for remitta for the 1% deduction from the federation account
        For the deplorable state of the Federal and state roads in Nigeria 
        For the cancellation of the proposed N5, 000 note 



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